Terms of Service
Terms of Service


Dudu.social, hereinafter referred to as "Dudu", is a social network based in Switzerland. Dudu provides its users, hereinafter referred to as "you", on its website https://dudu.social with various communication options such as posting, chat, video chat, video conference, groups, ads (sales advertisements), surveys, events, etc. free of charge. Exceptions can be certain extras that are included in a Prime membership or extras that can be booked for a small fee.

By registering on Dudu, you agree to the following terms of use.



Dudu establishes a guideline for itself and its users (users) so that certain values ​​are observed in the social community. If you want to use Dudu, you should agree to our policy.

Dudu stands for peace, freedom, respect, acceptance, tolerance and community.

We don't want hate or bullying, we want community.

We at Dudu want you to have a positive user experience. That's why we not only have public profile pictures, but also private ones. You have the option of creating a public profile picture that everyone can see, but also one for all friends, selected friends or family. This is only available at Dudu and gives you more freedom.

User Rules

In order to use our community, however, a few rules must also be observed. Therefore we ask you not to violate these rules.

Not allowed is:

Violate any law or applicable law.

Sending or posting unsolicited advertising or commercial communications such as spam.

Spidering, data collection or data theft, whether with technical aids or by hand, as well as the use of spyware in any form.

To bully, stalk, intimidate, harm or otherwise harass members of Dudu.

The use or application of automated methods from our website or services.

Posting violence or material that glorifies violence, as well as threatening, abusive, hurtful, violent, hate-mongering content in text, video, pictorial or graphic form.

Impersonate another person.

It is also not allowed to create or share false, malicious, illegal, discriminatory or anti-Semitic posts on Dudu.

Posting and sharing illegal pornography. This includes child and youth pornography, as well as animal and violent pornography.

Posting content that infringes trademarks or copyrights.

Sharing or posting malicious scripts or viruses.

Attempt to circumvent, decrypt or decompile our technical security measures of the Website, Services or third parties.

Posting spam.

Encourage or solicit third parties to break any of the listed rules.


In order for you to be able to use Dudu's services, you must register.

For this purpose, the first and last name, but also only the first name or a pseudonym (alias name) must be specified. The pseudonym name (alias) must not be offensive or offensive. Your profile should also contain your date of birth, an email address and your gender, and of course you need your personal password.

There are also alternative registration options via Facebook, Twitter, or Google. Here you log in to our site via one of the sites mentioned.

After registering, you will receive an email from us at the email address you provided. By clicking on the confirmation link, you confirm to us (Dudu) that the specified email address exists and belongs to you. This unlocks your access to the Dudu Community. If you register via Facebook, Twitter, or Google, we will receive your e-mail address from the respective operator. You will also receive a confirmation link for your e-mail address here. You will also receive a temporary password from us by e-mail, which you can use to log in to Dudu with your associated e-mail address. You should then immediately change this password in your settings. Of course, a login via Facebook or one of the other operators mentioned is also possible at any time.

Your e-mail and your password are the access to Dudu. Therefore, make sure that your password is a secure password. Use passwords that contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

You are responsible for keeping your access data secret. You are also responsible for all activities and processes that are carried out under your access data.

Dudu will never ask for your password, so don't give your password to any admin, moderator, or other supposedly responsible person.

With the creation of your account, you can create your account (profile). Any member have the option of creating multiple accounts (profiles) with their account and can switch between the profiles with one click. This gives the members the opportunity to use one profile as an example for the employer to see, another for their best friends and another for other purposes. For moderators or admins, this also means more freedom to be active in Dudu privately without having to create a new additional account.

You are responsible for all activities that are carried out with your Dudu account or your Dudu accounts (profiles). Therefore, you inform Dudu immediately of any unauthorized use or unauthorized access to your account or accounts (profiles). Dudu is not liable for damage, loss and other events that have arisen as a result of non-compliance with the above requirements.

Dudu assumes no liability for incorrectly provided data such as name, date of birth, age and gender, or for protected pseudonyms whose rights lie with third parties. The respective user is solely responsible for the consequences of such registration or use resulting from incorrect or unauthorized data.

Minors in Germany under the age of 16 require the permission of a legal guardian Art. 8 GDPR. In other countries such as Austria, the age limit may be lower. Therefore, inform yourself in advance about the regulations of Art. 8 GDPR in your country.

If the consent to the use of the Dudu platform is given by legal guardians, the responsibility for the actions and behavior or the violation of the terms of use of the minor on Dudu also lies with the legal guardians.

The legal guardians inform the minors about the terms of use and are aware that Dudu has no influence whatsoever on the content of chat conversations, video conversations, live streams or conversation partners, as well as the exchange of photos, files, links and other things. Therefore, it makes sense for the legal guardians to supervise and control the minor independently.

Consent for a minor can be given at any time by email to Dudu support. Written consent from a legal guardian for the minor, including in electronic form, must be submitted prior to registration. Should Dudu become aware that minors are using the Dudu platform without the consent of a legal guardian, Dudu reserves the right to block or delete this account without notice.


The privacy of our users is very important to us! All your data and everything you have uploaded is your property. Therefore, deleted is deleted for us. It doesn't matter whether it's photos, videos, files, chat histories, etc. that you have deleted. This data is also not recoverable by us. The same applies if you should delete your account.

You decide who can see your posts, uploads, etc. or whether your profile is public or private. Your privacy is entirely in your hands. Note, however, that if you share something with someone, they can also share or download the content, so there is no guarantee that only this one person will see the content.

Dudu also doesn't affect the timeline or blur your posts. We also do not pass on any data to third parties. Our cookies are not spies! Which pages you visit as a member or non-member and which clicks you make are not tracked. The cookies only serve to improve the user experience for the members of our platform and for us to improve Dudu.

Anything you do not post publicly, all conversations, chats, video chats, meetings, non-public or secret groups, albums, videos, photos, etc. cannot be viewed by moderators or admins. Only what is public, i.e. visible to everyone, can and will be monitored by moderators or admins. But to protect you and other members from unauthorized posts, Dudu uses a reporting system. Members can report violations of the terms of use here so that moderators or admins can then review the violation and take action if necessary.

At Dudu, we give our members as much freedom as possible, as long as it does not violate the terms of use or legal requirements of the respective countries. Please note the legal regulations of your country.

Rights of Dudu

Dudu may, in its sole discretion, terminate accounts or accounts (profiles) for violations of the Terms of Service, Community Standards, our Policy, or other occurrences beyond our reasonable control. Dudu reserves the right to view closed or secret groups if required by law or by court order. We respect the privacy of our members, which is why Dudu will only look into the reported group if it receives a complaint or report about a closed or secret group in order to check whether there has been a violation of the Terms of Use. Dudu reserves the permanent right to view all public and therefore visible groups, discussions, chats, photos, videos, polls and everything visible to everyone and also to check all reports, including reports of non-public posts. Dudu reserves the right to delete content in question without prior notice. Any content or information you post on Dudu may be removed by us if we believe it violates our Terms of Use. Dudu checks all reports and complaints and also takes the necessary steps, such as warnings, removal of content, blocking of the profile, up to the deletion of the entire account. However, we also reserve the right not to take any action.

While Dudu has the right to monitor content and activity, we are not obligated to do so. Dudu does not guarantee the integrity, accuracy, veracity or quality of any Content posted by Members. When using Dudu, you may see content that is offensive or offensive to you and that does not correspond to your values in any other way. We do not agree in any way with the content, no matter in what form, and are not responsible for the detail, the truthfulness or anything else. Also, we are in no way responsible for content that contains omissions or other errors. Dudu is not responsible for content that contains errors, causes damage or loss of any kind resulting from the use or prohibition of use of the content on our website.

Dudu also reserves the right to disable or suspend groups or members who, in our sole discretion and interpretation of the Terms of Use, do not comply with them. Banned members do not need to be notified of the ban, but have the option to contact support for more information.

Dudu reserves the right to close the accounts of members who have not logged in to Dudu for more than 12 months. The member will receive a message from us about 4 weeks before the closure, to the e-mail address given by the member in Dudu. The member can prevent the account from being closed by logging into Dudu before the closure date specified in the email or by downloading their content and closing the account themselves. After the closing date specified in the e-mail and the deletion carried out by us, there is no longer any possibility, not even for Dudu, to access the content or to reactivate the account.

Upload, links, texts and other publications on Dudu

Everything you upload, link, share, write, etc. on Dudu, be it images, graphics, photos, audio, streams, videos, audio-visual contributions, but also all other contributions, is your property. By publishing it on Dudu, you confirm that you own all rights to transmit and publish, produce or reproduce or otherwise use this content. You agree that you will not submit any intellectual property or material unless you have permission to post it from that third party. With all your publications on Dudu, you confirm that your content does not infringe any data protection rights, intellectual property rights, privacy rights, other rights or publication rights of a third party.

Dudu is not responsible for user content ownership rights, inaccuracies in content, copyright infringement by users, usefulness or meaningfulness of content, safety or accuracy, offensive, insulting, indecent and any other postings by users. By using Dudu, you agree that any content you post or upload to Dudu is your sole responsibility. Dudu cannot confirm the content, errors or omissions, or the accuracy of the published data, or the identity of the user.

Dudu is absolutely neutral and distances itself from all content published by users on Dudu. Dudu acts exclusively as a service provider and makes the platform available to members.

Data security

Dudu uses technically and physically appropriate safeguards to ensure the security of your personal information. However, it is not possible for us to guarantee security in every respect. Therefore, when using Dudu, you act at your own risk. We advise against using public and unprotected WiFi networks to send messages or anything else via Dudu. Dudu cannot guarantee that information will be accessed, modified, published, downloaded or destroyed by violating our technical, physical and operational protective measures. If Dudu becomes aware of a breach of safeguards, we will contact you electronically so that you can implement appropriate safeguards. In the event that protective measures have been violated, Dudu reserves the right to issue or publish notifications via the website or support.



By accepting our Terms of Use by registering, you fully agree to indemnify Dudu for any and all damages that may arise from the use of Dudu. This also applies in particular to indirect, direct, accidental, unforeseeable, special, significant, but also exemplary and all other damages resulting from the use of Dudu, unauthorized access, changes in your communication with or via Dudu, but also all other matters, that arise with Dudu. You also acquit Dudu for the loss of photos, videos and all other data in any form. The acquittal of the damages also applies to all Dudu employees, as well as voluntary helpers such as moderators, administrators, partners and all other people working in the Dudu environment. All business transactions that are processed between users via Dudu are the sole responsibility of the respective user. Dudu disclaims any liability for these transactions. You are aware and fully agree that Dudu shall not be liable for any of the above damages, including any loss of income, damage to reputation, misuse of data, or any other immaterial damage, even if we have been informed of the occurrence of possible damages. If the exclusion of consequential damages is not permitted in some countries, some of the above points or exclusions may not apply to you. But in no event will Dudu's total liability exceed the amount of €5.00.

Other rights of Dudu

Dudu owns all right, title and title in and to the dudu.social site and the entire Service, which are and shall remain the exclusive property of Dudu and our licensors (excluding User Content). You are not granted the right to use our logos, trademarks, names, domain names or any other identical trademarks. Suggestions, comments and feedback regarding Dudu and our service, which you would like to forward to us, are purely voluntary. Dudu reserves the right to use your suggestions, requests, comments or feedback without any obligation to you.


Property rights

You agree not to use our trademarks, logos, names, etc. without our written consent. All logos, trademarks, names, all software, text, media and all services available on the Site, excluding User Content, are the sole property of Dudu and we own all rights.


Final Provisions

Dudu.social is provided by Great Solutions KLG based in Hergiswil / Niwalden / Switzerland.

Under no circumstances is Dudu liable for non-performance, force majeure, natural circumstances or delays.

If individual provisions based on these terms of use are ineffective, all other terms of use remain unaffected. In such a case, the parties are obliged to replace an ineffective provision of use with an effective one that comes as close as possible to the purpose of the ineffective one.

If Dudu is unable to enforce its right or provision, this does not mean that Dudu will not enforce it in the future.

Dudu reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at its own discretion. New conditions apply after publication on the dudu.social website. As a user, we will inform you about this and, by continuing to use Dudu, you declare that you accept the revision, change or adjustment of Dudu's terms of use. If you do not agree to the changed terms of use, you can no longer use dudu.social and must delete your account. Of course you have the right to save your content on a medium of your choice before deleting the account.

Place of jurisdiction is Hergiswil.

In the event of any dispute regarding the terms of use of our site or the service, Hergiswil shall be the sole place of jurisdiction.


Valid from 22 May 2024